Bilateral mastectomies and reconstruction with tissue expanders and implants. Years after primary reconstruction implants were removed and simultaneously replaced with free flaps from the abdominal region, due to post irradiation capsular contracture and implant displacement.
Skin sparing mastectomy on the left side with immediate placement of tissue expander under the pectoral muscle. 6 months later expander was replaced with free flap from the abdominal region. At the same time breast lift (vertical mastopexy) was performed on the right breast for better symmetry. Nipple on the left side was reconstructed with local flaps and areola tattooed.
After skin sparing mastectomy and immediate reconstruction with free flap from abdominal regionon the right side. Later the left breast had to be removed. It was immediately reconstructed with with autologous tissue from inner thigh (free TUG flap). Nipple reconstruction with free flaps and tattooing of the areolas.
Skin sparing mastectomy on the left side with immediate placement of tissue expander under the pectoral muscle. 6 months later expander was replaced with free flap from the abdominal region. At the same time breast lift (vertical mastopexy) was performed on the right breast for better symmetry. Nipple on the left side was reconstructed with local flaps and areola tattooed.
Delayed reconstruction many years after modified radical mastectomy with rotation of the latissimus dorsi muscle with skin island and tissue expander. Replacement of tissue expander after muscle atrophy and stretching of the remaining tissues with permanent silicone implant. Breast augmentation on the right side.
Skin sparing mastectomy on the left side with immediate placement of tissue expander under the pectoral muscle. 6 months later expander was replaced with permanent implant and additionaly covered with pedicled flap from the back. At the same time breast augmentation was performed on the right breast for better symmetry. Nipple on the left side was reconstructed with local flaps and areola tattooed.